Jewelry Journal

Jewelry for Self-Care: How Accessories Boost Confidence and Well-being

Posted by Kristen Kowall on

Jewelry for Self-Care: How Accessories Boost Confidence and Well-being
In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's essential to prioritize self-care and nurture our well-being. While we often associate self-care with activities like meditation, spa treatments, or exercise, we shouldn't overlook the impact that jewelry can have on our confidence and overall sense of well-being. Let's explore how wearing jewelry can be a form of self-care, lifting our spirits, and enhancing our confidence.

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The Wild Wild West of Jewelry Pricing

Posted by Kristen Kowall on

The Wild Wild West of Jewelry Pricing
The factors that shape the price of jewelry in this wild frontier. Whether you're lookin' for a charm to adorn your hat or a bracelet to dazzle the saloon, keep these factors in mind as you explore the jewelry territory. Feel free to leave any questions or comments. Happy trails, and may your jewelry always shine as bright as a desert sunrise!

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What You Should Know Before Buying Jewelry: Tip 2

Posted by Kristen Kowall on

What You Should Know Before Buying Jewelry: Tip 2
Gemstones can add beauty, value, and personal significance to a piece of jewelry. To make an informed decision, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of different gemstones and their characteristics. In this blog post, I will provide valuable tips to help you navigate the world of gemstones and make confident choices when buying jewelry.

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What You Should Know Before Buying Jewelry: Tip 1

Posted by Kristen Kowall on

What You Should Know Before Buying Jewelry: Tip 1
While there are many other metals and materials these days... gold, silver and platinum are three of the most popular metals used to make jewelry. Each has its own unique characteristics and advantages. It is up to you to educate yourself and decide which option is best for your needs.

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The Beauty and Power of Aquamarine: Celebrating the March Birthstone

Posted by Kristen Kowall on

The Beauty and Power of Aquamarine: Celebrating the March Birthstone
March is a special month, as it marks the start of the spring season and is home to the beautiful birthstone of Aquamarine.

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